Looking for opportunities to support the ministries of Kentucky Mountain Mission. Check out all of the opportunities listed below.

Award Fund: Your gifts to the Award Fund sponsor children across our area who work hard to learn God's Word through our Bible lesson program. They earn their way to camp by completing the program.

Bus Fund: The Bus Fund is used to purchase and repair buses/vans for the transportation of campers from several Eastern Kentucky counties to Youth Haven Bible Camp.

Camp Maintenance: Your gift to the Camp Maintenance Fund helps with repairs or replacement of camp buildings, equipment, vehicles, washers/dryers, heat/air units, etc.

Camp Operating: The Camp Operating Fund is for the general operation of Youth Haven Bible Camps. Bills paid through this fund include electricity, gas and water. Insurance, office equipment/supplies and sound system also are paid through the Camp Operating Fund.

Camp Scholarship Donation:

Camp Store Donation:

Construction: Gifts to the Construction Fund are used for current camp building projects and for repairs or additions to existing structures.

Contingency Fund/CYC: Your gift to the CYC Fund helps to maintain and operate the Christian Youth Center in Clay County. Weekly events at the CYC include a Wednesday night youth outreach and adult basketball leagues. Other ministry outreaches take place throughout the year.

Contingency Fund/New Shower Houses:

Contingency Fund/Pool:

Contingency Fund/Road Work: Your gift to the Road Work Fund will help with the replacement and repair of existing roads at Youth Haven Bible Camp. Much of our blacktop was damaged by heavy equipment as the new camp chapel/dining room was being built. The current estimate to blacktop the roads is in excess of $90,000. This is needed prior to our 2018 Sunshine Camps for our campers that use wheelchairs.

Dental Clinic Equipment Donation:

Discipleship Fund: The Discipleship Fund provides support for young adults doing internships with KMM. While serving with the Mission/Camp, interns are mentored with a view of going into full time Christian ministry.

Emergency Fund:

General Director Fund: The General Director Fund aids with travel and recruitment expenses of the Director as he visits colleges, churches and other venues to present the needs of KMM and Youth Haven Bible Camp.

General Fund: Various operational expenses are paid for through the KMM General Fund, including office expenses, payroll expenses, insurances and other administrative costs.

Lee County Rec Center: The Lee County Recreational Center reaches children, teens and adults through it's various recreational programs -- bowling, fitness and (coming soon) indoor rock climbing. Gifts to the Rec Center are used for ministry outreaches and facility repairs and upkeep.

Lee County Rec Center-Climbing Addition: Gifts for the new Climbing Gym at the Lee County Recreational Center will help with the cost of building and supplying this outreach to the community.

Memorial Fund: Memorial Gifts enable you to give tribute to a loved one in a lasting way. The Memorial Fund helps with camp building projects and needed equipment for KMM and Youth Haven. Please be sure to include the name of the person you wish memorialize in the comments section, as well as the name and address of the person you would like us to notify of your gift.

New Chapel Fund: Your gift to the Chapel Fund will help with ongoing work on the new chapel and dining room, as well as renovation of the old structure.

Pony Fund: Riding horses is a favorite activity of Youth Haven's campers. Gifts to the Pony Fund help with feed, equipment, vet fees, and fence and barn repairs.

Preacher Bill Fund Raiser:

Summer Missionary Service: Gifts to the Summer Missionary Service provide a weekly thank you gift to our summer camp counselors and junior staff workers. A gift of $200 will sponsor a counselor for one week. Other workers receive $50 or $100 a week, based on their age/education level. You may designate a specific worker in the comments section if you would like to do so.

Sunshine Fund: Your gift to the Sunshine Fund helps offset the cost of the Sunshine Camps and transporting the campers to and from Youth Haven. Additionally, it pays for special equipment and the additional helpers needed for the two weeks of Sunshine Camp.
